Useful Links Below are several links to sites of potential interest which have been grouped into the following categories: Highland
Related Links Note that all links on this page will open in a new browser window! Should you know of other sites for possible inclusion on this page, or if you find any broken links, please let us know. You may email us at * * * Charter Township Of Highland Website * * * This is the "official" site for the current Charter Township of Highland, including a community profile, descriptions of Township government and services, a calendar of meetings and events, and a host of other information of interest and use to Highland residents. * * * The Highland Conservancy Website * * * Begun in late 2003 by a group of concerned citizens, The Highland Conservancy is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation whose goal is to protect and preserve the woodlands, wetlands and other natural resources for which Highland is justly known, and which are in themselves an important part of its history. The Conservancy is independent of, but endeavors to work closely with the Township and other governmental units, various regional conservancies, and other civic groups. * * * Friends Of Highland Recreation Area * * * The Friends of Highland Recreation Area (FOHRA) is a group of concerned citizens working together to restore and document the history of significant structures within the former Edsel Ford estate known as "Haven Hill," now a part of the Highland State Recreation Area. * * * Highland Township Public Library * * * This site includes an interesting "Highland Township Public Library History" as well as an on-line catalog of the Library's holdings, links to various community resources, etc. * * * Dunham Lake Property Owners Association * * * Straddling the border between Highland Township and Hartland Township, Livingston County, Dunham Lake is one of Highland's natural wonders which, through wise planning and development, has retained much of its original character. This site, which is maintained by the Lake's residents, includes "A Brief History of Dunham Lake" describing both the Lake and the steps taken to preserve it. * * * Oakland County, Michigan * * * This is the "official" site for Oakland County, Michigan, and includes links to a variety of local community sites. * * * The Oakland County MIGenWeb * * * This is the US GenWeb site for Oakland County, of which Highland Township is a part. Be sure to check out the nice full-color map of Oakland County on this site's home page! * * * The Livingston County History & Genealogy Project * * * This site contains a wealth of data on the Livingston County, Michigan, which borders Highland Township to the west. Because of this shared border, there are a number of references in the Livingston County records to people, places and events in Highland Township itself. * * * Milford Community Information Network * * * Sponsored by the Milford Township Library, this site has a wealth of information about Highland's neighbor to the south, including a history of both the Township and Village of Milford. The "Area Maps" page includes a current street and highway Map of Highland Township. * * * Milford Historical Society * * * As its home page declares, The Milford Historical Society strives to bring people together "who are interested in history, especially the history of the Village of Milford and Milford Township." This site includes a brief history of Milford, a photo tour of the Society's museum, a list of its library collection, etc. * * * Hartland Area Historical Society * * * This site includes a description of the Society's mission and activities, membership information, an online tour of its museum, and links to other sites of interest relating to Highland's neighbor to the west. * * * Hartland Township - Cromaine Library * * * This site includes the Hartland Area Project - "a detailed looks at the roots of Hartland community." * * * Hartland Area Chamber Of Commerce Website * * * This site includes links for Cemeteries In Hartland and Hartland Civil War Soldiers. * * * White Lake Township Website * * * This site is maintained by White Lake Township, Highland's neighbor to the east. Included is a page of general township information, a calendar of activities and a links to other sites of interest. * * * White Lake Historical Society * * * This site is actually part of the general White Lake Township site, but is listed separately for convenience. * * * Michigan Department Of History, Arts and Libraries (HAL) * * * The Department of History, Arts and Libraries (HAL) was created in 2001, to preserve and promote Michigan history, art and culture. The Department's site is a convenient gateway to the state's various on-line resources, including the Library of Michigan. * * * Historical Society of Michigan * * * Established in 1828, The Historical Society of Michigan is the state's official historical society and oldest cultural organization. It publishes several excellent periodicals, including Chronicle, Michigan Historical Review and Michigan History Magazine. It also manages the Michigan Centennial Farm Program. This site includes a useful listing of local historical societies, as well as a host of other resources and references. * * * MI GenWeb - Michigan Genenealogy On The Web * * * Part of the US GenWeb project, this site is a gateway to all of Michigan's individual county GenWeb sites, as well as special projects like the Michigan US GenWeb archives, Tombstone Photo Project, etc. * * * Michigan County Histories OnLine * * * The Michigan County Histories collection is a collaborative effort of Michigan's Council of Library Directors. The collection is projected to provide access to 192 histories dating from 1866 to 1926. There are 202 volumes in 170 titles currently online, which are fully searchable. The search results can be viewed as either scans of the original book pages or as ASCII text. This is an extremely useful collection for anyone tracing a Michigan family! * * * 1870 Michigan Census Index And Images * * * The Library of Michigan has posted both a searchable index to, and actual page images of the 1870 Federal Census of Michigan. Click the following link to go directly to the 1870 Michigan Census Search Engine. Once a desired name is found, click on the highlighted "Page" number to the right to view the actual census page. Note, however, that you will need AdobeAcrobat Reader to view these images, which are stored in .PDF format. If using a dial-up modem these images can also take considerable time to load. Consideration should therefore be given to downloading the image file (by right-clicking on the "Page" link and choosing "Save as") for off-line viewing. * * * Michigan Genealogical Death Index System (GENDIS) * * * The Michigan Department of Community Health has posted several hundred records of deaths in Michigan between 1867 and 1884, which can be accessed through this on-line index. * * * Bureau of Land Management - Eastern States Land Office * * * The so-called "Eastern States Land Office" is the custodian of the "patents" issued by the U. S. Government for lands in states lying east of the Mississippi River, but which were not part of the original thirteen colonies. Many of these original land patents have now been scanned and are available for viewing and/or downloading in .TIFF graphic file format. NOTE: You must enable "cookies" on your browser and enter your zip code to access the land patent search page. Viewing the patents "on line" also requires that your browser support TIFF format files. If not, the site includes links to a "shareware" browser add-on which can be downloaded and installed. The patents are arranged by state and can be searched by the original patentee's name, township and/or patent number. Anyone whose ancestors settled in the Old Northwest [e.g., Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, etc.] or parts of the South should check out this site.
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